Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ok Bonnie!!!! Thanks for Tagging me!

Well here it goes..... 6 insignificant things about myself that no one really knows!

1. I have almost no cartilidge left in my right hip

2. One time I had the hicups for 4 hours straight. Then I threw up and they were gone.

3. I hate to read, but if I have to, I love to read autobiographies

4. I love love green olives and maraschino cherries.......and I will eat a jar of each at the same time

5. I secretly want to be a princess

6. I can only fall asleep if the back of my heel is inbetween my big toe and the one next to it

Well there you go. I bet you will all sleep better tonight knowing all these new things about me!
I'm supposed to tag 4 other people--So...if you read this....I'm tagging Kristi, Suzanne, Teresa, and Julie!



rosanne said...

Sometimes it feels good to throw up...but only sometimes!

Bonnie said...

Would you believe--my two LEAST favorite (as in gagging) foods are marichino cherries and green olives!
(But, I do sleep with the side of one foot between the big toe and next toe on the other foot, so we are SOMEWHAT alike)

Teresa said...

Okay you're both weird about the foot thing... :) And Bonnie, with all your weird sleep restrictions and lotion issues it must take you hours to get ready for bed. It's fun to learn more about you with things that wouldn't come up in normal conversation. Well, after some of the stories of what YOU girls talk about together I probably can't say that. I didn't see any other Teresa's on your blog list so I'm assuming you're tagging me. If not, it'll be fun anyway and I'll just look like an idiot. :)