Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tis the Season To Be...........

For the Gospel and how it influences my life
For the wonderful, loving people in my life
For my good health
For my cute puppies
For my prayers being answered when they are supposed to be answered
For being able to provide for myself
Because it's almost Christmas
Because I am almost all done with my shopping
Because work is finally fun again
Because there are lots of fun things coming up that I get to do
Because I can listen to Christmas music....officially
Because Madagascar 2 was so stinkin funny
Because I start meet season in TWO WEEKS!!!!!
Because it is going to snow soon and I HATE HATE HATE to drive in the snow
Because I have to have 24 kids ready to compete in TWO WEEKS!!!!!
Because I have to get up extra early because it takes me extra time to get to work because of the snow
That I can go to the Temple whenever I want
That I have someone to go to the Temple with every week
That I have been adopted into a family that loves me just the way I am
That I live in a wonderful neighborhood
That Ryan hung the Christmas lights this year
That Trish loves to cook and I assume that she will make yummy holiday treats
That I still have TWO WEEKS until meet season!!!!!
To people who need matter what it may be
To the people who mean alot to you
The best of yourself


Suzanne said...

Cute winter blog!!! And way cute post. I love reading your posts with there insight and perspective. You've really got it going on.

Jess said...

Great post, Wendy! I am thankful for our neighborhood too. Good luck with "meet season!" The stress is half the fun, right?
